● Postdoctoral Fellow - Theoretical or Computational Biology / Medicine

This is just an illustration of how theoretical or computational biology can transform modern medicine. Multiple other cyber-biology topics are available for our postdoctoral projects - the work is not limited to embryos or computing. Our society's scientific scope includes all taxonomical units: from microbes, through plants and fungi, up to animals and humans.

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It is also possible to submit an unsolicited application, and we are always happy to review promising candidates with interesting projects.

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For those interested in a honorary (unpaid) non-employment external collaboration as a journal editor, please check the journal website:

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New job openings, company updates, and interesting news may be shared on social media. Follow us there and stay informed:

SHS Page - LinkedIn

CRICKETT Journal Page - LinkedIn

CRICKETT Journal Page - Facebook

Institute of Telemedicine - Facebook


Dear Job Seekers:

This is an universal application form for all professional and volunteer positions at SHS (including scientific, administrative, technical, or any other roles).

You will need to enter:

  • Your basic personal and professional information;

  • Valid e-mail address;

  • Link to your public citation profile in English (this is critical, because grant agencies and other authorities ask us for this information; it must be freely accessible & internationally understandable; Google Scholar is the most preferred option);

  • Your total citations count, h-index, i10-index;

  • Simple one-click answers to 10 fundamental "yes/no" questions about your scientific rank and productivity.

Looking forward to hearing from you!